Welcome one and all, to my collection of all my books, short stories, posts, musings, and other little oddscrawls that crawled across my brain. This website may change format semi-regularly as I experiment with format and schedule; I appreciate your patience as this repository evolves.
Currently, I am involved in uploading the following projects:
- My RPG
- A bit of an experiment, I’m making my own RPG. Putting some of my studies to use, I’m looking to make a new kind of strategic RPG that is both simple to learn/play and strategically deep.
- Short Stories
- When I worked downtown, I spent my train commute writing. This resulted in a lot of short stories of varying quality. Add to this the short-stories I’ve written since, and it’s become quite a list. Rather than over-work my brain sorting the wheat from the chaff, I will upload every short story here, and make you sort through it all.
- RPG Errata
- I found some more interesting things to say about RPGs! An addendum to my original Treatise, with some more games and rambling thoughts. Uploads whenever I think of something more to say.