
So…what is this, really?

Thing is, I had to take a good long look at myself recently, and I learned a few things about myself. Here are some things I honestly believe:

I believe there is only so much time in your life; time that cannot be regained if lost or repaid if stolen. I believe there is nothing more precious than this.

I believe that writing, as an industry, has been unfairly subjected to the same unjust and unfair pressures as the society into which I was born. I believe that I have been starved of access to the rich diversity of writers and artists that a healthy culture could and should support.

Did I spend enough time, energy, and effort in trying to get published “the right way?” Did I give up? Or is this some noble act–taking myself out of the capitalist race, stepping back so others without my privileges don’t have to fight me for a place in the spotlight?

Blegh. No, this is hardly an act of nobility. I’m not sure it’s an act of sloth, either. I don’t know if I can ever know, and I both have and will spent far too long spinning these questions through my head, over and over again.

But I don’t want to get rich on my writings. I don’t want to be famous. I mean, I do, but when everyone from Bo Burnham to Prince Harry espouses the unbridled abuse that fame and money subjects you to, I have to say I don’t want that.

Of course, I find great value in my writings, and would love it if my scrawls spread across the world, giving joy and inspiration to people I’d never met before, but — you know — in a humble way. A way that gets me just famous and rich enough that I don’t have to worry about where my next rent check comes from, but can still walk down the street without getting mobbed. Maybe an interview or two? Maybe the next big writer who captures the world’s imagination cites me as an inspiration in their acceptance speech. That’d be nice.

All the good things, and none of the bad. Isn’t that what we all want?

But that’s not the world we live in, is it?

I don’t know what will come of this little experiment. I don’t know how many people will show up, who will stick around, or anything like that. I just decided that I’m not built to publish my work in the “traditional” way. I’m an not a capitalist, and if I truly think my work is worth your time, I cannot in good conscience say it must therefore be worth your money. So, for as long as I can, everything I write — from books to short posts — will be put here, for free.

What will come of it? Who knows?

But I got tired of trying to find a road that will lead me to where I think I want to go.

So I’m just going to start walking, and see what happens.

The Bookkeeping Stuff

My name is Nathan Thompson (he/them). I write, I play games, I listen to music. I created this site as a place to put everything that I’ve created, in all their humbly mishapen glory. I live in Chicago USA, with my partner of twenty years.

All images copywriten by their respective artists. No AI Images were used in the creation of these webpages.

All written work on this site, unless otherwise noted, is solely the creation of Nathan Thompson, all rights reserved. (You throw a © down to copywrite, yeah? And a TM? Something like that? IANAL, we good?) If you think something has been attributed incorrectly, please contact me, and a correction will be made.

Goblink image provided by Digital Wytch