Thank you Zonelets, Hello Hugo

So, I’m trying something new.

When I first started this blog half-a-year ago, I wanted to get something up and running. The best way to do that was to use a lightly modified Zonelets website. It’s still a fine method, a system I have no problem with, but I’m after just a bit more flexibility in my workflow.

I use Emacs in my writing, and thanks to the walled-garden style of our capitalist culture, people who code/build emacs have little to no skills in creating tutorials or user-friendly systems. That’s fine, they don’t have to have those skills, but it does mean that people with odd brains can have a devil of a time just finding a simple answer to a simple question…or at least, an answer which isn’t “go learn Elisp and code it yourself.”

So, rather than roll my own, I went looking for alternatives and found Hugo: a simple text-to-static-html program that, with the ox-hugo emacs package, can fix up my site to looking and feeling more how I want, and with virtually no significant extraneous effort.

I’m still exploring alternatives, such as Weblorg or even a simple org-publish script…I want a bit more customization for things such as backgrounds and the like…but for the next few weeks/months, I’m going to give Hugo a try and see how it influences my writing/publishing workflow.

Thank you for your patience!