A Macabe Conclusion

So ends the first story in the Edmund Moulde quadrilogy. With some time to spare before my treatise on the medium of RPGs is finished, I will spend the next few Saturdays uploading some short stories set in what I ended up calling The Cliffside Universe

After all, Brackenburg is only one of the major cities in the Britannian Empire, and a steadily decaying one, at that. There is room for stories across the globe as the world slowly changes from steam-punk to diesel-punk, and no one city is better suited to display the variety and complexity of that transition than Cliffside, hub of trade, adventure, and diverse stew of humanity.

Edmund will return, however, in his second book, Edmund Moulde and Grimm’s School for the Erratically Gifted. I am currently planning on posting this book in smaller scenes during the week, and using Saturdays to post longer pieces of work; either short stories or fuller chapters of different works. Thankfully, I’ll have more time to decide exactly what to post before the treatise is complete.

As a side note, I plan on any personal or website information like this to be posted on Sundays, outside the regular Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat schedule. We’ll see how that goes.